Fix Your Clothes



Fix Your Clothes: The Sustainable Magic of Mending, Patching, and Darning by Raleigh Briggs

Ever had to say goodbye to a favorite item of clothing because of a busted zipper, fallen hem, or gaping hole? Want to save money and the world by not buying new clothes at the time? Concerned about the labor practices of fast fashion? Learn to repair your clothes from this cheerful illustrated guide. Raleigh Briggs, author and illustrator of the bestselling Make Your Place and Make It Last takes us on a mending journey through stocking your supplies, quick fixes, types of knots and stitches, buttons, mending seams, patching holes, darning holes, hemming, fixing zippers, waterproofing canvas, leather, and nylon, and so much more! Raleigh’s style is simple, playful, friendly, fun, and builds your confidence. You can do it!



Microcosm Publishing is a fiercely independent publisher and distributor that empowers readers to make positive changes in their lives, their communities, and their world. Their books and zines focus on subjects like gender, self-care, mental health, bicycle culture, punk rock, radical politics, witchcraft, social justice, bodily autonomy, and a community-focused DIY ethos.