You have just purchased the last razor you will ever need—congratulations!

It’s new, it’s different, but don’t let it be intimidating. We’re to help from set-up to your first shave.


Load Your Razor:

  1. Your Twig Razor does not come with a blade loaded in the head—you will find a 5 pack of single-edge blades tucked right next to the razor inside of its box.
  2. Open the razor by twisting the bottom part of the razor to the right. The head will rise up and then start turning to one side, exposing the blade layer.
  3. To load a blade, place a blade onto the layer, notching both sides. You may find it useful to hold the blade from one side and notch the opposite side first, then slide the blade into position notching the second side. Watch the videos in the product description for a visual representation of loading.

More of a visual learner? I totally get it. Take a peek at this video.

Note: It does not matter which face of the blade is up, they work the same either way.


Thoroughly wash and exfoliate your skin prior to shaving. Soften your hair using warm water then apply Shave Oil and/or Shave Soap to provide a protective barrier against your skin.


Lay the razor against your skin at a roughly 45 degree angle, and draw the razor across your skin in short strokes. You should feel the blade engaging with your skin and hair, if you don’t, re-check your angle. If you do not find this angle intuitive, try this:

  • Place the head of the razor against your skin, with the razor fully perpendicular (sticking straight out).
  • Start rotating the handle towards your skin in the direction you’ll be shaving (closing the angle from 90 degrees to be smaller and smaller).
  • When you’re halfway from perpendicular, you’ll feel the blade engage. This is your shave angle.

Depending on your skin and hair, and your desired level of closeness, complete one pass with the grain of hair growth, re-apply Shave Soap, and complete a second pass across-the-grain or against-the-grain of hair growth for the closest finish.



How long do the blades last?

This varies person to person based on your skin/hair, personal preferences, and how well you care for your blades.

Most people see between 5 and 8 shaves per set of blades. Some folks go months with the same blades while others swap them out every few shaves. We suggest pushing your blades as far as you can when you begin to get a sense for how long they last for you and only swap them out when you feel they are dull and no longer performing. You may be surprised at just how long they last!

How do I recycle my blades?

The blades can be contained in a blade tin and recycled where scrap metal is accepted. Leaf makes it easy to recycle used safety razor blades. Their blade takeback program lets you send blades directly to them for recycling through scrap metal streams. To do this, simply secure your blades in the blade tin, pack it up, and send it to: Leaf Shave ℅ RECYCLE, 48 Taugwonk Spur Road Unit 2, Stonington, CT 06378.


Do Twig Razors rust?

The razor itself will not rust unless it’s wildly abused or neglected. Think of the razor like the fixtures and faucets in your shower. They’re finished for corrosion protection. Light care will go a long way for their longevity.

Shaving blades of any variety will eventually start tarnishing. Water + Metal + Time = Rust, eventually. Keep your blades dry between uses for their longest life. 

Why do Leaf Twig Razors cost more than other razors?

Leaf products are made to last and are backed by a lifetime warranty. Shaving with Leaf unlocks the use of very inexpensive (but high quality) use of safety razor blades, allowing you to replace your blades at about one-tenth the cost of disposable plastic cartridges. You will see a return on your investment quickly, saving on overpriced disposable blades.

January 10, 2025 — Sara Jamison

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Hi, I'm Sara!

If you are new around these parts, let me first say welcome! I am so happy you are here. Secondly, you may be wondering who exactly is Terra Shepherd. Terra Shepherd is actually not a person - it is a business name, a place, a way of thinking, and a community.

It is my goal to connect you with your clothing on a deeper level than you likely ever have by telling the stories of the makers, fabrics, production practices, and brands I have selected to carry in the store. I hope to help you realize the incredible value of investing in garments you truly love and are excited to cherish for years to come.

This space is intended to be one in which we learn and grow together. I welcome and encourage your feedback - it will serve as my guide with this journal.

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