LastSwab Original - Reusable Cotton Swab



The original reusable and sustainable alternative to cotton swabs. Easy to use and easy to clean. The case is made from Recycled Ocean-Bound Plastic. One LastSwab replaces +1000 single-use cotton swabs.

  • Reduces carbon footprint by 83%
  • Reduces water consumption by 92%
  • Reduces primary energy demand by 80%
  • Latex free. Swab ends are made of the rubber-like material TPE, and the rod is made of plastic reinforced with glass fiber.
  • The case is made of recycled Ocean Bound Plastic, and with proper care it will last you for 5-10 years.


LastObject works to provide the world with sustainable choices by designing innovative solutions to wasteful habits that make a lasting positive impact.

Care Instructions

Clean the tips with soap and water. Use soap and water or hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol to clean the case.

Pop the swab back into the case for safe keeping. The swab can dry inside the case.

Always keep your swab in the case to make it last longer. Bring with you on-the-go or store in your bathroom.

The case made of ocean bound plastic is sturdy and will last for about five years. Keep the case out of sunshine to prolong its lifetime. After a long and happy life, the case can be recycled with hard plastic.

How To Use

Take the swab out of the case and use it to clean your ears, separate eyelashes, apply ointments or however you normally use swabs.