Labor Massage Oil
Having a baby soon? Make sure to tuck our labor massage oil into your bag. Our massage oil is ready when you are. Help bring relief during childbirth with an aromatic blend of oils that both relaxes and helps the labor progress. Clary sage may help in the induction of contractions by stimulating oxytocin in the brain.
2 fl. oz.
Do not use before 38 weeks of pregnancy. For external use only. Test on skin for sensitivity before use.
Made locally in Sioux Falls, SD.
From Marnie: "I have always been a pretty natural girl...less is more. So, after reading the ingredients of products I was using, I thought I could do this and make them better. After a year of experimenting and finding the right textures and scents, I have for you: Marnie's Naturals. Why all the periods everywhere? It's how I type...those must be moments of silence for me, so I had to bring them into my products. A silent statement—take care of your body, and it will take care of you. Enjoy the scents of Marnie's Naturals."